Last Monday, just after the sun came up, we noticed three deer in our back garden. Have a look at the video below (you’ll have to “full screen” the video to see it properly). What a great view of nature. I’m not sure what mother deer was trying to teach her young, but she certainly was dashing around like a crazy old deer (sorry, pun intended).
After running around in the lower garden, they almost walked up to our back door looking for something to eat. See the photos below the video.
I love feeling a little like I’m embedded in nature, even though I’m living in outer-London suburbia.
Three deer in the lower garden
Three deer almost at our back door
Comme c’est mignon. La vue est magnifique et c’est certainement très reposant et depaysant d’avoir de biches dans son jardin. C’est le cas de mon frère qui habite en Bretagne et à chaque apparition, il s’en émerveille. Cela risque aussi de beaucoup intéresser Clochette! Maryse.
Bonjour Maryse. J’ai vraiment de la chance d’habiter dans cet endroit et tu as raison, Clochette va être très intéresser !